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Italian LED light manufacturers: the quality requirements

The product is always our main issue in the choice of the lightning. Understanding and knowing who makes it is a part not to be underestimated anyway, especially since, among the multitude of Italian LED light manufactures and the wide range of products available, it is likely to lose track of the main goal: the customer satisfaction. 

In B2B market in particular, the maker becomes strategically important and a guarantee of success. Therefore, the manufacturer is an integrated part of the product and recognizing her/his professionalism represents half of the research effort in choosing lighting fixtures.

The Value proposition

Manufacturing companies can leverage a number of benefits to add value, enabling themselves to stand out in an increasingly homogeneous and standardized market. The world of lighting especially focuses on innovation and tradition and, latterly, also on ethical values as eco-sustainability. 


The products of our lands, the careful selection of row materials, the attention and
the creativity with which an Italian artisan strives in each stage of the supply chain
fascinate the whole world. Therefore, “Hand-made” is often synonym of quality up to take connotations related to the luxury sector.


The combination between craft and quality has become a part of the common way of thinking; in fact, dexterity provides products with originality and unique aesthetic characteristics compared to big industry. 

Anyway, it is unconceivable to talk about artisanship without taking into consideration the technological innovation, in the era of Industry 4.0. Although the majority of the Italian small and medium-sized enterprises have undertaken this kind of modernisation, an Istat survey shows a decline in investment in the technological sector in the period between 2018 and 2020.

We can rely on the will and the potential to change, but it is not obvious.


Times are changing and, along with them, the market needs. 

Fondazione Symbola’s annual report shows that 50% of the quality of a product is closely dependent on its sustainability, in common thought. That consideration has changed the evaluation approach in high-profile events as ADI Design Index or Milano Digital Week, favouring those products or services able to contribute to a new circular economy. 

“[…] Along with digital and craft, an obvious choice, we have added sustainable, embracing the other big challenge to which companies of any sizes are called to respond”

Enrico Brambilla, APA Confartigianato Imprese’s Secretary General.

Expressions of value

Talking about production, the most coveted credential is undoubtedly quality. Anyway, the term is generic and it represents the correspondence between expectations and reality, which includes a coexistence of objective and subjective criteria. 

Expectations change into constraints when they are put down on paper and there are set parameters for an objective verification: the solidity of these assumptions is the starting point for   successful foundations. 

That is what ISO 9001 does, identifying three important requirements to be complied with:

  • Checking and compliance with production processes
  • Tracking and performance review
  • Ability to make and maintain improvements

Establishing minimum standards facilitates the technological transformation in place, as well as encouraging the risk management capability. Therefore, the rule does not only focus on the product quality, but on the means to achieve it too.

The B2B elements of value

Beside the more popular Maslow pyramid, widely exploited in B2C marketing, which represents human needs hierarchically, there is another scale of values, specially designed for business. 

A study by BAIN, and published in Harvard Business Review, shows the criteria affecting the choices of the companies. 

Knowing those parameters is becoming truly essential to stand out and to avoid the increasing phenomenon of commoditization. 

Although, the tangible requirements are the basis of the required values, as the fastest and the cheapest offer, the intangible ones set the rules in a B2B relationship.


The challenge to differentiation is moving towards less transactional aspects, as assistance and services related to an offer. 

The product quality is still a driving force in decision-making, next to the responsiveness and expertise in the field. 

That means that the excellence of a product surely matters, but that is not all: the
procedures making a buying process have to be up to clients’ needs, this aspect
implies the selection of the supplier/manufacturer.

 A product or a service can work very well, but if the customers find awful its buying process, as well its tracking order one, not to the mention the technical support, a lot of them will look for other suppliers. (Harvard Business Review)

A small company, big values

A small family-run company can sometimes be alive with possibilities. 

The big passions of Maurizio Betteto (the founder) started up Elesi Luce in Veneto 25 years ago: design and electronics. 

 Art and technique thus come together in a passionate combination giving birth to Elesi Luce, run by  Betteto Family ever since, with Maurizio and his daughters Elena and Silvia, whose initials merge to shape the company name.

Elesi Luce is distinguished for a Value Proposition that has made it a leader in the European market. 

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort”

John Ruskin


The company is proud to hand-assemble all its products, in order to carry-out scrupulous checks during all the processing steps. Paying the utmost attention to details and finishes is the first step towards excellence. 


The company asset is its skill to adapt to specific clients’ needs concerning both sizes and desired colours, but also to find out customized lighting and installation solutions without distorting the lamp design in the catalogue. 


Elesi Luce’s innovation is multipurpose, because it is expressed both in its management systems and in its products


The ownership’s natural attitude towards a continuous improvement has triggered a transformation process abreast of the times. Therefore, Lean methodology leads the production processes, whose cardinal principles are in perfect harmony with Industry 4.0: to do more with less thanks to the company computerization. 

Elesi Luce indeed boasts an automated warehouse and a smart management system, that are tools able to streamline the workload and to guarantee short delivery time. 


Elesi’s innovative evolution has also succeeded in expressing itself by E-Viva, a modular single-tube LED system patented in 2011. Despite of this important achievement, Elesi has never stopped believing and investing in research, collaborating with Universities and other cross-sectorial situations. 

The sustainable innovation

Elesi Luce has put technology and research to good use to fulfil both its clients’ needs and the environment ones at the same time, creating LED CHange System, a smart system able to replace built-in LED easily.  

An innovative solution developed recently, potentially able to revolutionize the market and, for this reason, shortlisted for Adi Design Index, whose products compete for the prestigious Compasso d’Oro.

A quality certified: Elesi Luce’s promise

The business base of the whole company is thus an artisan manufacture optimized by a digitalized and efficient management system. Moreover, Elesi Luce got ISO 9001 certification in 2006, ensuring a constant improvement process for a continuous production of high-quality lamps. 

The certification is not just a mere document by which improving the competitiveness in the big and crowded lighting sector, but it is the certainty of Elesi Luce’s commitment ensured to its clients every day. 


Located in an area characterized by a strong vocation for lamps and furnishings manufacturing- Veneto- Elesi Luce relies on local suppliers’ experience. A choice  mainly driven by the trust that the company places in the Italian expertise and traditions. Consequently, loyal and lasting collaborations come from by this belief. 

Moreover, the proximity allows a constant and careful monitoring of each supplier’s workflow, along with decreasing the environmental impact that transport involves. 

Specialization is another important selection requirement because it ensures an innovation both in processing and in the equipment, becoming synonym with high quality. 


Elesi Luce’s flexibility and organisation allow the company to fulfil both the orders with a huge number of items, as it often happens in the field, and those of just a single piece.  


The most common challenge that we are called to face at the design stage is to be able to balance style and design with the mandatory technical issues, such as those concerning safety.  

At the design stage, Maurizio Betteto and Matteo always look for a perfect match between beauty and reliability, dealing with very practical issues, such as housing the electronical components, the sizing of the mechanical part and the installation.  

Moreover, the new built-in LED replacement system (LED Change System) is a further incentive to the designers’ inventiveness, because they have to create an ad hoc solution for each collection. Everything in order to ensure maximum accessibility and replacement of the electronical parts. 

Elesi Luce strictly adheres to the client’s decisions in the contract sector: it accurately accomplishes the order received and it proposes technical and stylistic options in accordance with the expectations, if necessary.


Due to an ongoing supply of components and semifinished goods, Elesi Luce can simplify its workflow: it can quickly adapt to big amounts of orders ensuring short and punctual delivery time. It takes 8-10 days (up to a maximum of 15-20 days) from the order confirmation to the shipping of the goods, depending on the complexity of the order, the quantity required and the period of the year. 


What increases a value of the company is well represented by a constant service and helpfulness. Elesi Luce, in the person of Elena Bettetto, commits to fulfilling the clients’ needs after the sale too, in the belief that a 360° assistance is the most concrete way to show its reliability that has always distinguished it.  

The after-sales professionalism is implied both in the delivery and in the spare parts availability. 


All products remain in the catalogue from 4 to 8 years, on average. If a client wants to repeat the same purchase at a distance of time – for instance in case of expanding the spaces, Elesi Luce will be able to supply the same lamp, for a reasonable period of time, even if it has gone out of production.


The people giving life to Elesi Luce believe in the strength of relations. That is why they commit to building a relationship based on mutual trust, both with clients and suppliers.

A company, as well as an organization, is a union of people engaging with other individuals, first of all. The mechanisms generated by this variety of relationships nourish the company lifeline, giving inspiration and encouragement. 

Although the working world often overshadows the relational nature, Elesi Luce acts to guarantee fairness and clear intents towards its clients and its stakeholders, in each phase of the collaboration.  

To clarify the doubts concerning the importance of the relationships in business, in 2013 some specific studies showed that reliability and morality are the key components of each economic exchange. 

Therefore, trust as the cornerstone of the Value Proposition, whose Elesi Luce is an ambassador, not only in words, but also in the concreteness of its relationships. 

The philosophy driving the company does not make any distinctions between relationships and manufacturing.

“Home is where I chose things that last over time”

Silvia Betteto
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